​New Mexico Board of Nursing 3rd Annual Diversion Program Conference
Diversion Program/Alternative to Discipline Conference
Reimagining Nurse Wellness
Date: September 27,2024 Time: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Location: CNM Work Force Training Center
5600 Eagle Rock Ave, Albuquerque, NM 87113


Payment of fees will be accepted in the form specified by the board.  The initial application fee will be for a period of one year, plus the months to the applicant’s birth month.  Fees may be collected in whole or prorated to commensurate with the length of the renewal period.  Fees are not refundable.


Initial licensure by examination or endorsement:

Licensed practical nurse (LPN)                           $150

Registered nurse (RN)                                         $150

Advanced practice (CNP/CNS/CRNA)                $100

License Renewal:

Licensed practical nurse (LPN)                          $110

Registered nurse (RN)                                         $110

Advanced practice (CNP/CNS/CRNA)               $110


Inactive license renewal (late renewal, lapsed status, reactivation, reinstatement after board action) includes renewal fee:

Licensed practical nurse (LPN)                          $200

Registered nurse (RN)                                         $200

Advanced practice (CNP/CNS/CRNA)               $200


Other Fees:

Re-exam (LPN/RN)                                               $60

Temporary license (LPN/RN)                             $60

Temporary license (CNP/CNS/CRNA)               $60

License verification                                             $30


CHT Fees  

Application for certification examination or national certification                                            $45

Re-examination                                                                                                                                    $30

Renewal of certificates                                                                                                                       $45

Reactivation from lapsed or inactive status                                                                                    $60

Reinstatement of certificate following board action                                                                    $60

Initial certificate military personnel, spouse, dependent, or veteran                                       $0

First renewal of certificate military personnel, spouse, dependent, or veteran                     $0

Initial program review for approval                                                                                                 $250

Program review per agency                                                                                                              $200

Subsequent review due to a change in board policy or rules                                                     $50

Periodic program evaluation or program review per agency                                                     $200


CMA Fees

Initial certification by examination                                                                                                   $45

Certification by exam for CMA II                                                                                                       $60

Re-examination                                                                                                                                    $30

Renewal of medication aide certificate                                                                                          $45

Reactivation of a lapsed certificate                                                                                                  $50

Reactivation of a lapsed certificate following board action                                                        $60

Initial certificate Military personnel, spouse, dependent, or veteran                                       $0

First renewal of certificate Military personnel, spouse, dependent or veteran                      $0

Initial program review and approval                                                                                                $250

Program renewal                                                                                                                                 $200

Board ordered program review or program evaluation for approval                                       $200