NMBON is receiving reports of a scam where individuals are falsely representing themselves as the board. To verify the legitimacy of any contact claiming to be from the New Mexico Board of Nursing, you can call the official phone number at (505) 841-8340. Do not share personal or sensitive information unless you’ve confirmed the identity of the caller. DEA Scam Alert Flyer

Advisory Committees

The role of the advisory committees is to make recommendations to the board based on their knowledge in their areas of practice.  The non-binding recommendations from the advisory committees are taken under advisement by the board.  Committee members may be reimbursed as provided in the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 through 10-8-8 NMSA 1978]. 


Additional information about advisory committee requirements may be found in the BON Advisory Committees Policy.  To apply to be member of a committee, please submit the committee nomination form.


Advanced Practice Advisory Committee (APAC)

The Advanced Practice Advisory Committee was created by the Board with its authority granted in the Nursing Practice Act §61-3-10(M) and clarified in the Board’s rules 16.12.1 NMAC. The committee must have at least 6 members and shall advise the Board in the review of issues related to the advanced practices of nursing and shall be composed of representatives from each advanced practice area regulated by the Board.


APAC Member qualifications and responsibilities

  • Each committee member must hold a current New Mexico APRN license.
  • The committee will consider diversity in geography, APRN area of practice and licensure type to facilitate the representation of each advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) role regulated by the BON and practice throughout the state.
  • Members must observe attendance and acts of service requirements as outlined in the Advisory Committee Policy.
  • Members of the committee shall serve for staggered terms of two years and may be reappointed to the advisory committee.


NMBON staff contact:  Anne Roybal, (505) 841-9049, anne.roybal@bon.nm.gov.


APAC Members

  • Kristine Punohu, DNAP, APRN-CRNA
  • Angela Del Grande, PhD, WHNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, CNS
  • Shawnna Read, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, ACNP-BC
  • Barbara Franklin, MSN, FNP-BC
  • Pamela Logan, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, CWCN-AP
  • Joanne Keefe, DNP, MPH, FNP, CNE


APAC Board Member Liaison(s)

  • Jacqueline Kaiser, DNAP, MSA, FNP-BC, CPN
  • Monica Arencon-Smith, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, CPN


APAC Committee Meetings

  • 01/24/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 04/18/2025 0900 AM Hybrid
  • 08/22/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 11/14/2025 0900 AM Online

Agendas, minutes & links to join meetings are located at https://links.bon.nm.gov/Calendar.


Case Review Advisory Committee (CRAC)

Case Review Advisory Committee: A committee created by the Board with its authority granted in the Nursing Practice Act §61-3-10(M). The committee must have at least 5 members. The purpose of the Case Review Committee shall be to review investigations of cases of alleged misconduct under the Nursing Practice Act. The committee will provide recommendations to the Board regarding those cases and investigations. Meetings will be facilitated by Board staff and will not include minutes.


CRAC Membership qualification and responsibilities

  • Each committee member must hold a current New Mexico nursing license. Committee members shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the Executive Director. When making a recommendation for membership the Executive Director will consider diversity in practice, nursing specialty and employment setting to facilitate a broad range of experience on the committee.
  • The quorum of this committee is a simple majority of members.
  • This committee shall have no elected officers. The Director of Compliance or designee will serve as the chair of this committee and will call meetings of the committee as needed.


NMBON staff contact:  Chris Vivian, (505) 841-9061, christopher.vivian@bon.nm.gov.


CRAC Membership

  • Robert E. Middleton III, MSN, MBA, RN, CENP
  • Randall A. Hamilton, DNAP, MSNA, BSN
  • Stephanie Vigil, MS, RN
  • Mary Z. Barreras, BSN, ASN

Hemodialysis Technician Advisory Committee (HTAC)

The Hemodialysis Technician Advisory Committee (HTAC) was created by the Board under the statutory authority of §61-3-10.M NMSA 1978 (Nursing Practice Act) to assist the Board in its duty to monitor and regulate the practice of certified hemodialysis technicians (CHTs) and compliance of board-approved hemodialysis technician training programs in New Mexico, in accordance with 16.12.4 NMAC. The committee must have a minimum of five members, three of which should be registered nurses ( NMAC).


HTAC Member qualifications and responsibilities

  • Each committee member must hold a current New Mexico registered nurse license or hemodialysis technician certificate.
  • No more than one representative from any one unit can serve on the advisory committee at any one time.
  • The advisory committee shall review applications for initial approval of Hemodialysis Technician Education Programs, evaluations of programs, and changes in approved programs.
  • The committee shall make recommendations to the Board and shall provide consultation to programs as requested and/or as directed by the Board.
  • Members of the committee shall serve as site visitors to hemodialysis technician programs for approval, consultation and evaluation.
  • Members must observe attendance and acts of service requirements as outlined in the Advisory Committee Policy.


NMBON staff contact:  Kate Graham, (505) 841-9094, katherine.graham@bon.nm.gov


HTAC Members

  • Lori Duggan, BSN, RN
  • Lisa Hamilton, CHT II, CCHT
  • Jessica Lamden, RN
  • Juanita Wootton, BSN, RN
  • Mariana Gallegos MSN, RN, CDN


HTAC Board Member Liaison(s)

  • Candi Miller-Morris, MSN, RN, CNS, CCRN, CEN, TCRN


HTAC Meetings

  • 02/06/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 04/03/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 07/31/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 10/02/2025 0900 AM Online

Agendas, minutes & links to join are located at https://links.bon.nm.gov/Calendar.


Lactation Care Provider Advisory Committee (LCPAC)

The Lactation Care Provider Advisory Committee (LCPAC) was created by the Board under the statutory authority of the Lactation Care Provider Act (§61-36 NMSA 1978) to assist the Board in its duty to license, monitor, and regulate the practice of lactation care providers. The committee must consist of at least one member who is a Board member and at least two members who are experts in lactation. 


LCPAC Member qualifications and responsibilities

  • Each committee member must be a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) accredited by The Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice, or an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) accredited by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, or hold other national or international certification approved by the board.
  • Each committee member must have some personal or professional expertise in the area of lactation or maternal care.
  • The committee will consider diversity of lactation care provider roles, credentialing, education and geography.
  • Members must observe attendance and acts of service requirements as outlined in the Advisory Committee Policy.


NMBON staff contact:  Anne Roybal, (505) 841-9049, anne.roybal@bon.nm.gov


LCPAC Members

  • Diana Ebiware, BSN, RN, CCMC
  • Monica Esparza, CLC
  • Ariana Garcia, MSN-Ed, RN, CLC
  • Kimla McDonald, MSNB, RN, IBCLC

LCPAC Board Member Liaison(s)

  • Candi Miller-Morris, MSN, RN, CNS, CCRN, CEN, TCRN


LCPAC Meetings

  • 01/27/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 04/21/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 08/25/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 11/10/2025 0900 AM Online

Agendas, minutes & links to join are located at https://links.bon.nm.gov/Calendar.


Medication Aide Advisory Committee (MAAC)

The Medication Aide Advisory Committee is a committee created by the Board with its authority granted in the Nursing Practice Act §61-3-10(M) and clarified in the Board’s rules NMAC. The committee must have at least 5 members, three of which should be nurses, who are charged with making recommendations to the board regarding nursing education. The advisory committee shall review applications for initial approval of Medication Aide Education Programs, evaluations of programs, and changes in approved programs.


MAAC Qualifications and Responsibilities

  • Each committee member must hold a current New Mexico registered nurse license, licensed practical nurse license or a current medication aide certificate.
  • The committee shall include one member not employed by a participating agency.
  • There shall be no more than one representative from any one agency serving on the advisory committee at any one time.
  • Members must observe attendance and acts of service requirements as outlined in the Advisory Committee Policy.
  • The committee shall make recommendations to the Board and shall provide consultation to programs as requested or as directed by the Board. Members of the committee shall serve as site visitors to medication aide programs for approval, consultation and evaluation.
  • Members of the committee shall serve for staggered terms of two Agendas, minutes &years and may be reappointed to the advisory committee.


BON staff contact:  Kate Graham, (505) 841-9094, katherine.graham@bon.nm.gov


MAAC Members

  • Vanessa Chacon, RN
  • TJ Chavez, LPN
  • Nicole Gerace, BSN, RN
  • Josephine Ssenkungo-Seward, EdD, RN
  • Donna Winn, MSN, RN
  • Barbara De Groot, DNP, MSN(Ed.), RN, CMGT-BC, CNE


MAAC Meetings

  • 02/04/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 04/01/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 06/03/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 07/29/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 09/30/2025 0900 AM Online

Agendas, minutes & links to join are located at https://links.bon.nm.gov/Calendar.


Nursing Education Advisory Committee (NEAC)

The Nursing Education Advisory Committee (NEAC) was created by the Board under the statutory authority of §61-3-10.M NMSA 1978 to assist the Board in its duty to monitor and regulate programs of pre-licensure nursing education. The Board of nursing may appoint a minimum of a seven-member advisory committee to make recommendations to the Board regarding nursing education ( NMAC). 


NEAC Member qualifications and responsibilities

  • Each committee member must hold a valid New Mexico registered license or a valid compact state registered nurse license.
  • Each committee member must be employed by a Board-approved nursing education program.
  • The committee will try to create a committee that is representative of the PN, ADN and BSN programs throughout the state. The committee will also try to create a committee that is representative of the public and private programs and the urban and rural programs in the state. The committee will also consider the representation of both nursing faculty and nursing education program directors.
  • This advisory committee shall review applications of nursing education programs for initial approval.
  • The committee shall also review education program surveys, reports, annual reports, and major curriculum changes.
  • The committee shall submit reports and recommendations to the Board and shall provide consultation to nursing programs as requested or as directed by the Board.


BON staff contact:  Kate Graham, (505) 841-9094, katherine.graham@bon.nm.gov


NEAC Members

  • Sara Daykin, DNP, RN, CPEN, TCRN, CNEcl
  • Dianne Hardin, MSN, RN
  • Shawna Kemper, MSN, RN, CNE
  • Teresa G. León, PhD, RN, CNS
  • Cynthia Olivas, DNP, RN
  • Kimberly Petrovic, PhD, MSN, MA, RN
  • Joseph R. Poole, Jr. MSN, RN, CNE
  • Diane Wesner, MSN, RN
  • Theresa Vigil, MSN, RN
  • Aurthur Perales, MSN, RN
  • Melanie Colgan, MSN, RN


NEAC Board Member Liaison(s)

  • Karen Louise Brooks, Esq., EdD, MSN, RN
  • Jacqueline Kaiser, NP, MSA, APRN-CRNA


NEAC Meetings

  • 02/07/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 04/04/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 08/01/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 10/03/2025 0900 AM Online


Agendas, minutes & links to join are located at https://links.bon.nm.gov/Calendar.


Nursing Practice Advisory Committee (NPAC)

The Nursing Practice Advisory Committee is a committee created by the Board with its authority granted in the Nursing Practice Act §61-3-10(M) and clarified in the Board’s rules Subsection F of NMAC. The committee must have at least 7 members and a maximum of 8 members. The committee shall assist and advise the Board in regulation of the practice of nursing.


NPAC Qualifications and Responsibilities

  • Each committee member must hold a current New Mexico registered nurse or licensed practical nurse license. When making a recommendation for membership the committee will consider diversity in geographic practice and nursing specialty to facilitate the representation of practice throughout the state.
  • Members must observe attendance and acts of service requirements as outlined in the Advisory Committee Policy.
  • Members of the committee shall serve for staggered terms of two years and may be reappointed to the advisory committee.


NMBON staff contact:  Anne Roybal, (505) 841-9049, anne.roybal@bon.nm.gov


NPAC Members

  • Amanda Kester, MSN, RN, CNP
  • Valerie Balboa, DNP, RN, CCRN, CPN
  • Jacqueline Cooper, MSN, MHA, RN, CCRN, CLNC
  • Sarah Jackson, RN
  • Nancy Laster, DNP, RN, CENP, CPHQ  
  • Susan Acosta, MSN, BS, RN, NCSN


NPAC Board Member Liaison(s)

  • Pamela Cordova, MA


NPAC Meetings

  • 01/21/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 04/15/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 08/19/2025 0900 AM Online
  • 11/18/2025 0900 AM Online

Agenda, minutes & links to join are located at https://links.bon.nm.gov/Calendar.


Regional Advisory Committees (RAC)

Diversion Program (DP) Regional Advisory Committees (RAC) were created by the Board under the statutory authority of §61-3-29.1 NMSA 1978 (Nursing Practice Act) to assist the Board in its duty to rehabilitate nurses whose competencies may be impaired because of the abuse of drugs or alcohol so that nurses can be treated and returned to or continue the practice of nursing in a manner that will benefit the public.  Advisory committees have been developed in the following areas of the state:  Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Hobbs, and Farmington.


RAC Member qualifications

  • Members must have some personal or professional expertise in the area of Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
  • The Director of Education and Practice will evaluate candidates for suitability to be on the RAC and make a recommendation to the Board of Nursing.


RAC Member responsibilities

  • Assistance with ongoing monitoring and evaluation of a participant’s progress in recovery.
  • Use assessment skills in evaluation of the participants’ progress in recovery.
  • Use written skills to document the participants’ responses on the evaluation assessment form.
  • Make recommendations for amendments in the DP contract and make recommendations to the board.
  • Provide resource information to participants.
  • Make suggestions/recommendations for changes in policies and procedures.
  • Assist in the admission of a participant into the DP.
  • Meet and assess other potential RAC members for compatibility of philosophy and appropriate nomination to the Board prior to appointment to a RAC.
  • Members are expected to attend all RAC meetings as scheduled.


NMBON staff contact:  Becky Gonzales, MSN, RN, (505) 841-9091 or nmbon.Diversion@bon.nm.gov.